Tie a knot! On your jacket, on your top, with the two flaps of your shirt: next season it will be the coolest way of keeping clothes in their place.
Cotton sweater. We sort of lost track of it during the past few years, as it was replaced by the blazer or left in the “unnecessary” category favoring a more nude look. For the 2016 Resort collections the classic cotton yarn sweater makes its comeback as a wardrobe must-have; the outfit acquires a rough touch as its the thick and embellished fabric is matched with contrasting ultralight clothes.
Pleats, Please! This is undoubtedly the strongest trend spreading among all brands. Even those who reinterpret the pleats recreating their effect through ribbed detailing and a game of stripes that creates the illusion of pliage.
Ruffles and Frills. The classic ruffles, memory of our old little girl’s dresses, in the version presented by the 2016 Cruise collections transform into an ultra-feminine and ultramodern detail; maxi, omnipresent and protagonists of the outfit.
Patterns. Looking at the 2016 Resort collections, we could think that the hashtag#ihavethisthingswithfloors has been one of the strongest inspirations for the designers. Prints, in factm closely recall the wonderful Italian floors of the 1960’s (and not only) and bestow a vintage-geometric touch to jackets, dresses and pants.
Lace. Ultralight and almost see-through or thicker and handwoven as a doily peep out from under the skirts, becoming the focus of jumpsuits and trench coats.
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